Wednesday 28 November 2012

Ready made live in landmark architectural green sculpture

Ready made live in landmark architectural green sculpture

If the elderly owner doesn't want to leave, what could be a good solution to connect his house over the roadway to the other areas? 
 What are the solutions to an "island"? 
There are many islands in real life. 
 Island countries, Taiwan, Japan, many others. 
 How do they negotiate the great divide between themselves and the mainland? 
If the owner is forced to be isolated - all roads cut off or self-regulated rules to stop easy communication, this is very brutal and no fun for everyone.

I think this house should be kept, and let the owner make it into a nice place. 
 Have the government help them, and make it into a first government garden in the city type of home. 

I think of how to make a retractable bridge that crosses over like a giant footing... or some other well designed foot bridge thats like a double gateway. 

 There are lots of bridges with buildings on the bridges everywhere. 

 This is a case of the building first, and bridge later. 
 No lost for everybody.   Win Win.  The roads people might lose a bit of income, but will gain good publicity for their inventiveness and kindness to the weak.

Make it into a landmark fun place. 
 Or useful place, with trees and vegetables etc.  

Start w flower pots.

Supporters should bring a pot of flower to the elderly couple. 
Start cleaning up walls, just remove the debris, no need to restore entirely for now. 
Just clean up, put flower pots on terrace.
Everybody brings a pot of flower - could be vegetable flowers - plants you could eat.
Connect water, electricity.  

Soon, the whole island-house becomes a living house with terrace gardens.

Won't sell up? Enjoy living in the middle of a motorway! Road is built around a house after elderly Chinese couple refuse to move

  • An elderly couple refuse to move as a road is built around their apartment
  • They insist the government's relocation compensation is not enough
A lone apartment building stands in the middle of a newly built road after an elderly couple refused to relocate.
Luo Baogen and his wife insist on living in the half-demolished building in the city of Wenling, in Zhejiang province, China because they believe that the relocation compensation offered by the government is not enough.
Now the only building left standing, the five storey block is a strange sight as cars drive around it while the couple remain living inside.

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An elderly couple refused to leave despite plans for the road a railway station to be built directly where the building stands
An elderly couple refused to leave despite plans for the road a railway station to be built directly where the building stands
To ensure the couple’s safety, adjacent rooms in the building have been left intact but all their neighbours have moved out, according to local media. 
The road paved through the Xiazhangyang village leads to the Wenling railway station and is yet to be officially opened.
Mr Baogen and his wife believe that the compensation on offer would not be enough to cover their rebuilding costs.
In the People's Republic of China, during most of the Communist era, private ownership of property was abolished, making it easy for residents to be moved on - but now the laws have been tightened up and it is illegal to demolish property by force without an agreement.
The couple refused to movebecause they believed the relocation compensation offered by the government was not enough
Not enough to move: The couple refused to move because they believed the relocation compensation offered by the government was not enough
Luo Baogen looks out on the new road to the city's railway station which is yet to be officially opened
Room with a view: Luo Baogen looks out on the new road which is yet to be officially opened from the apartment building where all his neighbours moved out
Property owners in China that refuse to move to make way for development are known as 'Nail Householders' referring to a stubborn nail that is not easy to remove from a piece of old wood and cannot be pulled out with a hammer.
Earlier this year, Hong Chunqin, 75, and her husband Kung, who live in the two dilapidated buildings with their two sons, had initially agreed to sell the property in Taizhou, in Zhejiang province and accepted £8,000 in compensation.
But then she changed her mind and refunded the money once work on the road had started.
Proof: Mr Baogen stands in front of his home holding the certificate that states he owns the land beneath it, meaning that he and his wife can't be forced to move away
Proof: Mr Baogen stands in front of his home holding the certificate that states he owns the land beneath it, meaning that he and his wife can't be forced to move away
Folorn: Mr Baogen looks wistfully across his new scenery, the tarmac from the new road waving haphazardly along the side of the building and demarcating the homeowner's land
Folorn: Mr Baogen looks wistfully across his new scenery, the tarmac from the new road waving haphazardly along the side of the building and demarcating the homeowner's land
Calm before the storm: The balcony from Mr Baogen's home looks peaceful now, but this is all likely to change shortly when the motorway surrounding the property is opened to traffic
Calm before the storm: The balcony from Mr Baogen's home looks peaceful now, but this is all likely to change shortly when the motorway surrounding the property is opened to traffic
Thinking laterally: When Mr Baogen refused to vacate his property, which was right in the middle of a planned route for a new motorway, the road builders refused to let this get in the way
Thinking laterally: When Mr Baogen refused to vacate his property, which was right in the middle of a planned route for a new motorway, the road builders refused to let this get in the way
The long road home: The house that appears to be plonked in the middle of a motorway is likely to prove an unusual landmark for passing motorists
The long road home: The house that appears to be plonked in the middle of a motorway is likely to prove an unusual landmark for passing motorists
Isolated: Niu Chuangen and Zhang Zhongyun's home stands on a small parcel of land amid the growing skyscrapers
Isolated: Niu Chuangen and Zhang Zhongyun's home stands on a small parcel of land amid the growing skyscrapers
Earlier this year, Niu Chuangen and Zhang Zhongyun dared to stand in the way of a local property developer in Zaozhuang, in the Shandong province.
As a result, the resolute couple, both in their 60s, have been left stranded on their tiny spot of land, while all around them the ground is dug up and skyscrapers erected.
The distraught pair were regularly threatened by gangsters and have had to fend over a number of attempts to illegally demolish their ramshackle home.
They were cut off from utilities in 2009 when a local developer started the enormous earthworks involved in building dozens of high-rise residential buildings in the area. 
Another family initially agreed to sell the property in Taizhou but changed their minds once work on the road had started
Refuse to move: Another family initially agreed to sell the property in Taizhou but changed their minds once work on the road had started
Stranded: The couple were left without running water and electricity ground after real estate developers dug out the ground around it
Stranded: The couple were left without running water and electricity ground after real estate developers dug out the ground around it
During the Communist era, private ownership of property was abolished but now the laws have been tightened up and it is illegal to demolish property by force without an agreement
Cannot demolish: During the Communist era, private ownership of property was abolished but now the laws have been tightened up and it is illegal to demolish property by force without an agreement
In another case, one family among 280 others at the site of a six storey shopping mall being built in Chongqing refused to leave their home for two years.
Developers cut their power and water, and excavated a 10-meter deep pit around their home, which their family had inhabited for three generations.
The owners broke into the construction site, reoccupied it, and flew a Chinese flag on top and then Yang Wu, a local martial arts champion, used nunchakus to make a staircase to the house and threatened to beat any authorities who attempted to evict him.
The owners turned down an offer of £300,000 but eventually settled with the developers in 2007.

And here are some more bizarre building projects from China...

A furious family took legal action against developers last year after they demolished every staircase in a seven-storey apartment block to make them quit their top floor flat
Mum Zhao Yanhong, 42, claimed developers - who want to demolish the flats in Mianyang, south west China, to build a factory - hired thugs to force out other residents but she refused to budge
High and dry: A furious family took legal action against property developers in Mianyang, south west China, last year after they demolished every staircase in their seven-storey apartment block in a bizarre bid to make them vacate their top-floor flat so they could build a factory (pictured, top, with the flower boxes and awnings)
Jiutian International Plaza
That's prime retail estate! With space at premium in the densely populated city of Zhuzhou in central China's Hunan Province, homeowners decided to build these villas on the roof of the Jiutian International Plaza shopping centre, which is home to one of most famous wholesale markets for shoes in the region
Gate of the East in Suzhou, China
Architectural triumph or just plain pants? It has been trumpeted as 'a dramatic, iconic gateway' to the East that makes the Arc de Triomphe look like a mere ornament, but critics of he £445m Gate of the East in Suzhou, China, have likened the structure to a giant pair of long johns
View of the Phoenix International Media Center under construction in Beijing in September
Ee bah gum! Majestic, yes. But the gloss was taken off ever so slightly when Beijing's new Phoenix International Media Centre (above) was compared by some observers earlier this year to a huge Yorkshire pudding. The building boasts 65,000sqm of floor space for offices, restaurants and the headquarters of China's Phoenix TV
A skyscraper in Huaxi village
The world's silliest supertower? Towering 328 metres (1,067ft) above the ground, this skyscraper in Huaxi, Jiangsu province,  dwarf's everything in its path. It is 18 metres taller than the Shard in London and its closest rival is 600 miles away in Beijing. But that's because it was built in a village of 2,000 FARMERS
Hallstatt village in China
A touch out of place, perhaps? Near the rice paddies, groves of yellow bamboo and the homes of tens of millions of dirt-poor migrant workers lies this bizarre replica of an Alpine village in the southern Chinese province of Guangdong. Unsurprisingly, sales were non-existent when it opened earlier this year

VIDEO: Farmers refuse to budge after motorway is built around their home

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