Tuesday 27 November 2012

A waking life, Avenue Amy, Machinima+real life footage WuTang Clan, Kawaguchi

A Waking Life, Richard Linklater

A Scanner Darkly

Richard Linklater, A scanner darkly
On the New Rotoscoping Technique: 

Linklater says he used the technique because he knows the guy who wrote the software. “He’s a friend of mine in Austin so he was sort of creating it. It’s a computer variant of rotoscoping, which is an old technique. I don’t even know if that’s the right way of calling it, ‘rotoscoping’. It’s just a computer variation. It’s something you can do on your home computer via the software. It still takes over 500 hours to do one minute of this. It’s very artist intensive. That’s why we spent a year and a half doing it.” Linklater continued. “It was Waking Life when I saw the earliest stages of that technique. It sort of triggered something in my brain of the story I’d been thinking about for 20 years - or kind of non-story I should say that never worked in my mind as a film. But when I saw that it was like, ‘Okay, that’s works because it’s not real, but it is real.’ That’s why I felt it worked here. Philip K Dick is always asking, ‘What is reality?’ and I think this technique puts your brain in the right place to take in this particular story. It seems real; it sounds real. You recognize these people. Their gestures are real and it seems like the real world, but it’s not. It’s this painted world so it’s probably the right kind of split-brain thing going on in your head as you watch it that, hopefully, you take it in just like a movie. You care about the people in the same way, if not more than you would in live action.”

Acting More Animated: 

Did his actors use their hands more or expand on facial expressions to a greater degree knowing they were going to be animated? “Actually Woody [Harrelson], [Robert] Downey and Rory [Cochrane] I think, because of their characters, I think pushed them a little bit. But that didn’t really have that much to do with animation, it had more to do with their characters who were a little more tweaked out.”

Avenue Amy

Wu Tang Clan, Shaolin Game Play


shapes of the invisible

Gone with the Wind in 60sec

Ode to summer

un amour mobile

presnted by : 加菲
http://vimeo.com/52560308,  presented by 加菲
An example of 2d in 3d, and 3D in 3d

Iron Giant

Two to Tango x-box promo

Real Steel

Banned games

Samourai Jack

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