Thursday 15 November 2012

48hr Machinima

The Machinima 48 Hour Film Project

The Judges Have Spoken!

Our panel of judges has made its decision. Congratulations to all of the filmmakers and teams who participated. We are proud to announce our winners!

Best Use of Character [tie]
Halls of Cort (HoC) – Used Cars
Oblivious Films – Crueler Heads Prevail

Best Use of Prop
Halls of Cort (HoC) – Used Cars

Best Use of Line
Cinimart Cake Team – A Tale of Fate / Cake

Best Voice Acting:
Oblivious Films – Crueler Heads Prevail

Best Special Effects
Zardoz Carwash – Imperative

Best Sound Design
Machinimatrix – Free Your Mind

Best Musical Score [tie]
IdeaJuice Studios – A Car Is Torn
Jewell Theatre – Know Evil

Best Cinematography
Jewell Theatre – Know Evil

Best Editing [tie]
Cinimart Cake Team – A Tale of Fate/Cake
Oblivious Films – Crueler Heads Prevail

Best Writing
Oblivious Films – Crueler Heads Prevail

Best Directing
Oblivious Films – Crueler Heads Prevail

Second Runner Up for Best Film
Machinimart – Semper Fidelis

Runner Up for Best Film
Shady Character Productions – Finding Casey

Best Film
Oblivious Films – Crueler Heads Prevail

View the films here!!

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Other 48 Hour Film Projects in Machinima:
2011 • 2010 • 2009 • 2008 • 2007

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