Monday 24 September 2012

Le Samourai,***half

Very esthetique film, everything very stylized.  From body language, to character appearance, clothing, to police man oeuvres, subway color, lighting, evening gowns, paintings on the wall of the mafia people, the singers home... everything very consistent and right tonality.  
From the story line point of view, there are many "poetic license spots" we are made to believe these moments because, just because.  The turning point is, Delon plays a contract killer, he has been offered to kill his life saver, the metis beautiful singer.  As he approaches, points the gun at her, ambush gangsters shoots him down.  This is a theatrical moment.  A real killer does not need to step up so close to the target.  
Beautiful overall, the male lead and the metis singer, the girl friend, bar tender, all beautiful.

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