Sunday 5 August 2012

Precious ***half, First Person Singular I M Pei***

Precious ***half, 2009

Very good movie, moving, and authentic in the details.  
The young actress - Sabourey Sidibe - was v v gd.  Such a difficult character to play and she did it very well.  Bravo.  Mo'Nique the actress who played the mother was v gd too.

First Person Singular I M Pei***, 2011

I M Pei is like satin, very smooth, very gracious.  Hard working and no isms... architecture is architecture.  Successful man, all his life.  He inspires respect.  And as he inaugurates the Hall of Fame of Rock and Roll, when asked about those cars hanging from the roof - he said, actually, he had no say in this... with a smile.  A bona fide diplomate.

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