Tuesday 3 July 2012

Notes on a Scandal ***

Notes on a Scandal ***  
sex scandal, school boy/teacher, lesbian story

Philip Glass music, Cate Blanchett, Dame Dench
I had no idea that a 15 year old boy having an affair w a teacher is a criminal offense for the teacher!  In some cultures, 15 yr old is old enough to be wed!
Anyway, the movie is very intricate and full of human delicacy.
How come they paint the portrait of an old lady wishing for young women's accompaniment so awful?  If the woman were a man, would it be just as revolting?
Reminds me of another movie - Albert Nobb - this woman disquised as a man all her adult life and lived it as a butler in a fancy hotel... I simply did not understand how could this woman think she could "get married" to a young woman from the same hotel?  If she were really an old man, I could understand it to be wishful thinking... but if she were a woman?  
Anyway, venomous human nature.
And Cate Blanchett is very beautiful airy, peach like cheeks... why would any woman like this if lonely would choose either the young boy or the elderly lady?  People know how the other feel - it doesn't get this far really, if she were in the dark, does it?  I cannot believe the Cate Blanchett character to be this insensitive.  Something is missing.
Friendship and passion are two very distinct type of emotions.  Its usually uncomfortable if one takes it as this and the other has in mind that.  
Maybe its very difficult, to be emotionally, mentally clear in the mind if there is a large chunk of sentimental occupation gone missing.

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