Thursday 9 February 2012

Cremaster 2***half

Cremaster 2***half (year 1999)
genre: "débauche spectaculaire"-spectacular debauchery- graded by French newspaper "Liberation". :)

Recommended: To be watched and not to be understood... still looks interesting today.

Matthew Barney's movie using high quality everything, shown in Museum of Modern Art in Paris and New York, no DVD available, only in film programs at art house cinemas.

The film features many famous art world celebrities and visually very sharp and provocative in many ways. One of the actress is the world famous smallest waist woman, credited as "Anonymous". She had a transparent corset, and plays the role of Queen Bee... with drones etc.

Anyway. Go see it, if you have a moment and its showing in town. Rare erotic tension - partly due to visual sexual explicitenss with glossy costumes, and an all important secrecy key: silence.

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