Wednesday 11 May 2011

Midnight in Paris***half

Midnight in Paris ****

Just went to see "Midnight in Paris" new film by Woody Allen, its so nice! And v fluid, intricate and dense storyline. This film made me v happy! Funny, its v rare that a movie can do this for me! I recognise every location in the movie, and if anybody wants to visit Paris, I think going through the scenario of the movie is already a superb tour! V beautiful and rich with many points of views and the principal actor is interesting in his role. He plays a rather naive and shallow, maybe not at all talented serious writer want-to-be, reconverted from Hollywood commercial screenwriting hack. It reminds me of the dreams all foreigners have when they choose to live in Paris.

Paris the city is magic and the film shows it v well.

I am impressed w Woody Allen here, so well versed and at ease at all the different levels.

Only someone w a lot of experience could make such a film.
(I would buy a dvd - because I like this a lot - but no need to see it a second time immediately. It is a straight forward film that shows everything, everything is visible)

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