Sunday 12 December 2010

screenarcadia , Microwave Festival 2010 animation from Taiwan

Film editing, documentation of HuaHui MobileMusic on course.
Film viewing, and criticism writing time.

Films viewed:

The Soliloquist 2009 by Ma Kuang-Pei ***

A poetic interior voice about moments passed being lonely, self ruminations, beautiful graphics with Taiwanese elements, using old books, mail boxes, use of camera and merging of images from scene to scene very clean, powerful effective in lyrical contrast to the soft interior voice; self questioning of who is really Michael? And near the end, the soliloquist finds himself with a new cologne smell from his own body leading us to think, has he transformed himself to another person through these postal inputs - getting out of self enclosure from his heart break (Michael broke up with a boyfriend). Its a very quiet voices telling something important from the speaker. Or was Michael the speaker himself in fact but he is finding himself once more? and want to befriend himself once again? So he says, he said.

Lucky Me 2007 by Chen Wan Ju ***

Sound track is very interesting, are they speaking an aboriginal tongue? Without really knowing the meaning of the dialogue the visual - paper cut out type of hand made technique/style - is very ruggedly beautiful with aboriginal wood house, the red riding pa kicking all the big bad wolves away, the forest; overall very fresh and we feel the swimming mermaid coming up and ploof down, one two three time rhythmically very interesting and humorous charm. Simple story with sincerity and simply good old fashion happiness.

The Edge of Love 2009 by Nai-Wei Liu ***A knife falls in love with an apple and accidentally while bowing - sliced his loved one in half. Finally he finds a walnut to fall in love with. Works very well the story fits, music great. And the knives are typical taiwanese wood handle kitchen knives, everyting works well. Bravo!

Monster Coins 2008, by Vance Yang ***+1/2

3d animation with a fun storyline. The automatic machine pops out a geni who grants the coin payer a wish - the wish might be accomplished in unexpected mischievious ways. Funny and well made. I also appreciate the introduction to the film how the director got his idea for the film from the coin operated egg-gifts from Japan. He said he puts in all these coins and always, he never got the gift he really wanted, but all kinds of other things fell out. This ability to translate our common experience into something comical and true is great.

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