Monday 16 August 2010

MicroTotalArt :footnotes and illustrations 腳註 和 圖例

MicroTotalArt :footnotes and illustrations   腳註 和 圖例

微形全面藝術 : 巨大雕塑,繪畫,  故事,  文學,詩

Micro Total Art
by Shuen-git Chow 15Aug2010

Pre histories of Total Art by Kurt Schwitters, and the recreation of Schwitters work in 1999 by Zvonimir Bakotinin cyberspace

Total Art Merzbau by
Kurt Schwitters 1923 to 1936

1 a)Merzbau : Total Art by Kurt Schwitters 1933

1 b Cyberspace attempt to recreate the Merzbau by Zvonimir Bakotin Merzbau in cyberspace : Total Art by Kurt Schwitters reworked by Zvonimir Bakotin 1999, incomplete, ongoing?

2 Kurt Schwitter Total Art and writing translated into English

3 Emperor SONG HuiZhong's "Listening to the Qin" scroll

4a OsyareBar overall site, entrance by Poponi Wiefel. We see on lower left corner, the free instant automatic translator which takes any language and converts it to home language. Green setting with water, small cozy houses on little lots connected with foot bridges in stone.

4b Poponi Wiefel: owner creator of OsyareBar, and co-owner; we see vinyl records, brick wall interiors (typical of 80s), brown wood, dusty rose, dark interior.

5 Snow globe with choice of duration for self confinement that users set by themselves, locked and unlocked. Location: Bound maid club

6a Wearing Greenie Jet Boots, Swann Jie gets a job at Doublehappiness jeans - an installation from sl to rl at SunDance festival. Very good sl/rl art project. Here Swann Jie is a worker, punch time clocks, work in exchange for a small plot where the first Digital Guqin Museum garden was set.

6b The now defunct Greenies sim. I compared the size of the guitar to my guqin. Its HUGE. I played the guqin and some avatars stopped to listen.

7 Lygia Clark : an example of open interpretation work, the viewer completes the art work by interpreting

8 Rosie the riveter in a photo

9 Rosie the riveter in a poster

10 Open Work by Umberto Eco

11 Cassandre posters : clear sharp lines and colors in flat 2D abstract compositions using real life elements in graphic design.

12 Mark Rothko : White Over Red (oil on canvas) : signature brush strokes, fumato layerings of white and red paint with slight tonal differences to create depth and texture

13 Exhara : Blue grass land layering to create depth through fumato like space

14a Finnish designer: wet leaves on green grass texture

14b Gion sim : closed Nov2008. Last visit of a beautiful replica of real life sim. Thanks to the creator Sammy Bindle, we have enjoyed the memories of this high quality sim. The creator also shot very professional Youtubes to accompany the promotion of this ambitious adventure.

15 Siberian Tiger friend and the first MobileMusic in the clouds at Penglai Island; Island installation by WangXiang Tuxing, Tiger by Arne Lopez, MobileMusic by Swann Jie

16 "Sea Crabs from Hokkaido" - a specialty created by Salmaru Masala, freebie at Salmaru store: crab eating animation, sounds, crab on noodle, crab in hotpot, crab in cages, crab biting derrière, hiding in a crab.

17 “With”- a Venetian themed sim closing, farewell party masked ball; high quality sim with grand air for high society parties. Fine décor, but closed after 6 months.

18a A Chinese tea place with Cantonese dim sum tea snacks. Chopsticks, teapot cozy, steamed small snacks served directly in the steamer. Antique screen shows tea drinking traditions as a common backdrop in fancy tea houses.

18b A Chinese wet market "Dai Pai Dong" style tea place w Cantonese dim sum tea snacks; authentic decor based on real Kowloon

19 Swiss artist, Meret Oppenheims fur cup object, 1936

20 Nox Pionions giant size sugar bowl, tea cups at Tea and Strychnine surreal shop

21 Disney teacup ride 50 years

22 OsyareBar : Japanese coin vendors just like in real life

23 Tea and dragon fantasy tea time

24a Jazz bar club set up for real life online concert events

24b Aquarium with a very expensive silver fish. In real life favoured by big bosses, the aggressive carnivore fish feeds on live small fishes. Realistic office desk with bulletin board and seashell themed clock. High quality creation with attention to details - visitors are immersed in the virtual club immediately

25 Teksah arts and performance club; live music on stage from Japan. 70's style. In side are personal collections of painting gallery and a romantic post-futura chic purple lime green themed bar. Bar stools are slim chrome bend flat tubular chair with plush seatings.

26a Birds eyeview of Penglai Island, light and fog

26b Talk to the Buddha, does his answer help you? On Swannjie's right is Kerrypet, super mathematician who custom made the HuaHui House rezzer!

27 Interactive art in real time: LifeArt Gallery, Swann Jie's id in code displayed on the wall

28 IBM temporary exhibition, History of Rock. Short audio clips accompany the visit in each Zone. This reminds me of the "Immaterial" exhibition at Centre Pompidou in 1984, where people wore headphones to step into physical zones to hear the specific clips. Technology has advanced, avatars could DIY so easily, so accessible in sl.

29 China sim, black and white ink painting w realistic floral pastel colors arm chair

30 Primting: exhibit with Two versions of Van Gogh's room

31 Far Away by AM Radio, Swann Jie's picture book page 22

32 Eschers walking around topology puzzle in Primting

33 Using sculpties method for reproduction of a scholar stone; custom work by Inuyasha Meiji after a real life photo, using 3D Max.

34a Using Prim construction for reproduction of real life famous scultpures; Leda and the Swan by Meleni Fairymeadow

34b Using Sculpt-Crafter software tool in Secondlife, thanks to super scripter Contagious Republic to link Prims together then reproduced as a single prim sculptie. Here the HuaHui sphere uses 50prims, each prim was sculpt-crafted from 43cubes. Instead of using 2000 prims, we only used 50.

34c Using Ploff to create sculpties from a simple drawing tool, a freeware, fun software for kids of all ages. Because this tool is not very precise, you often get surprise effects. The QiQ balbal cushions here are made with Ploff. Puffy cushions w a thin layer of soft gauze cushion on top

35 Wotthe Dickins uses his original software to reproduce the likeness of avatars into a doll. The avatar doll was made from scanning the "real life avatar" and color and shape are produced at once. Notice the fine hand crafted look of "wood whittling" doll via software and the self made Avatar using Linden Lab tools with realistic smooth skin

36a Exhara: blue grass dreamy ambiance as background for a mock up of installation of the real life HuaHui sphere. Realistically in real life, you could not let a sculpture stand freely in a grass land, however, in the virtual world, its possible and no safety issues; no typhoon, no vandalism, no surveillance.

36b Still from the film "RU there?" wheat field flowering, free and at the same time hidden. Realistic pieces of wheat stock are multiplied easily in any shape to give volume and mass to the field. Fields of flowers are also very popular.

36c Sand dune at Hipic sim, a vaste landscape with live media feed from 2D online web.

36d Hipic closeup. Image changes every few minute following the queue of uploaded pictures by anyone online.

37a DGM overall site: Ice Hotel installation design on working platform, Oracle Poem mezzanine, photo sphere below, book shelf, Yaji concert venue, press above grass land

37b DGM overall site: Graffitti wall as white board, majong table, tv, youtube player

38 Nox Pinion's Stone tree Castle; perfect ambiance for qin playing : upper level terrace

39 Digital Guqin Museum - yaji - informal playing group seating ; lower ground fountain level

40a Digital Guqin Museum - Book shelf, reading corner, napping sofa

40b Playing guqin on a rose bed for two

40c Napping on sofa

41 Digital Guqin Museum overall organising long shelf books and gifts

42 Yaji venue

43a Rennes, mixed reality Transmusicale event, organiser Clap Clip watching (with spike hair and steampunk outfit) Scenario is built by Ayiki Takakura.

43b Rennes, Swann Jie in a real life newspaper

44 The real life conference poster reproduced at DGM main site.

45a CHIME conference: poster session installation with sample HuaHui wall section

45b Beautiful MIM venue(Musical Instrument Museum), Brussels

46a Model of a house of a hotel at Lucerne, its size is approximately the finished size of the full scale HuaHui MobileMusic of sculpture house.

46b One small HuaHui sample at Bolognano

46c Venise, Certosa, Italy. First export of the HuaHui cubes from Secondlife to Real worldHuaHui Pearl

46d HuaHui Pearl installation at Certosa Hotel; frames no1-75

47a Seeking to understand tiandao 天道, or “the way of heaven” by consulting oracle, divination
Oracle platform with Wang Dai Sin book in sl; creator: Swann Jie. Poem no.1 a good poem!

47b Yi Jing, Oracle consultation

48 Original Wang Dai Sin Temple in Hong Kong

49 Uchui chair in Real life Shuri Castle; and Uchui chair in Secondlife by Inuyasha Meiji used as Digital Guqin Museum Yaji chairs

50 New York Times article: Fakebook and a page of fans of New World Notes, sl blog. Social networks, fake/real/make believe/transformation from one to the other

51 Linden Lab Campus land grant, for Enass, Conservatoire Nationale des Arts et Metiers, Paris. Mobile Music in cardboard, Digital Guqin Museum Airship (mobile) gifted by Hanako Hammerer
University of Southern Mississippi students under Professor Sturtevant produced scripting and objects for a simulated client and critique sessions. Specifications of Chinese Medicine cabinet for Oracle consultation by Digital Guqin Museum (aka Swann Jie)

52 Playing the Digital Guqin Instrument. The background is a Graffitti Wall, clicking on it sends you to an online whiteboard, anybody on the page could draw, write, paste photos, collaborate on the board in real time and the Graffitti Wall would display it. This is a type of online collaborative painting or "doodling" platform.

53a Tilly Ayres' Myst flower house re-purposed by Swannjiejie. The original flower was hot pink on bright green leave pod. Tilly's Myst flower house is one of the best classic design in sl and totally free. It was first conceived as a gift to a special friend, and then generously designed as a teaching tool for building. It came in freebie Dungeon and are sighted here and there in various sims. (At first glance from a distance, I had thought it was a Buddhist lotus for religious gatherings, until one day I came close to it and visited.) Colors shapes, all transformable. Here, it has been customised as a guest house for the Digital Guqin Museum. Behind the armchair is a painting scripted to cycle pictures and I have put together a sequential picture story book of the DGM thats displayed on the wall. The Guqin instrument (HunDun no1) has been put away inside the closet.

53b The Original Myst Flower by Tilly Ayres 2006

54a Franck Muller dress from Clock Island, very elegant formal wear for Qin concert player at Fashion Research Institute (Both locations no longer active) Clock Island was a perfect fantasy painting creation with time and numbers as a theme, original beautiful, conceptually magical. Its gone. Fashion Research Institute has relocated to Opensim

54b Clock Island (image from New World Notes)

54c Inside the Clock, Clock Island, Ana Lutetia blog

54d QiQ Fashion: "QiQ litt", "QiQ balbal", and "QiQ folie" a Digital Guqin Museum house brand. Freebie outfits for guqin yaji for visitors

55 Kurt Schwitters collage, assemblage of everyday materials, such as bus tickets

56 Rivetting tool detail testing through virtual modelling

57 Shipping the Light Weight HuaHui MobileMusic kit using a 3wheeler vehicle by Salmaru.

Salmaru sosi chauffeur with Official Digital Guqin Museum Taxi with HuaHui MobileMusic venue under a tree

58 DGM taxi created and customised with Snow Plum flower logo - the official logo of DGM - by Salmaru with Official chauffeur.
DGM taxi created and customised by Salmaru with Official chauffeur.

59 Plum blossom and Tree Peony (Mudan) : The two National Flowers of China

60 Visiting Digital Hollywood Graduate School in an official Digital Guqin Museum Taxi
Professor In Yan's creation. There are official diplomas for students who complete their sl course in Secondlife.

61 Max Frisch: short introduction of his views on "travelling", and "truth"

62 Love=Time; Some of the love expressions in sl, what are Valentine day gifts? Or Un-Valentine Day gifts for the ones you care about; friends and lovers all mixed?

63 Cats eyes Glamour Portrait studio, Tiny Bear avatar with a full size avatar 2m10.

64 Fat Tiny Bear avatar at Salmaru store. Salmaru uses realistic graphics to present his goods, reproducing a general store ambiance. Gingham pattern shelves gives this home like cozy local Japanese life, authentic everyday no frill style.

65 HuaHui Pixel cube use: Photomosaic

== The End == See you next year!!

Swann Jie the avatar with her doll ! (creator Wotthe Dickins)
A friend who does not use Sl says, its quite an honor to have a doll made after you.
Really, not exactly like that, I dont have a doll made after my likeness, but my avatar does! :)
However this vicarious honor rubs off onto my real person, I share the light from my avatar.

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