Saturday 14 March 2009

"Chocolate" qin - prototype using single prim method

Proportions and textures are all just testing, not the final version.
Just a logbook record of experiments. Here i put on red strings. Also experiment.
Even with this simple sculptie tool - it took me a whole day to put this basic units together. And I have the strings from the last model.
So, an object like this takes two days of rl time. Thats not counting the hours of design shape texture refinements.

I made a Qin today. Reminds me of chocolate bars... chocolate qin for now. The prim is a sculptie using the Sculpt-o-matic software. Very nice software, this is another approach, more intuitive. We build up the shapes and let the script draft up the skin envelope for the final shape. Blender I must look into, but i rather like this. We have very sharp edges! wonderful.

(Its too not ready to be posted. I removed the picture of the chocolate qin, will upload another one when I have time)

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