Tuesday 3 March 2009

Cecilia Lindqvist, fun way to learn Chinese, guqin book, chinese blogs on qin culture, 菊斋 blog, Secondlife in Chinese, Ircam agora, Tim Guest Youtube

Fun way to learn Chinese language

Cecilia Lindqvist 林西莉

Hanzi Wangguo

Qin book

cd of the Qin book

Qin book in Chinese

菊 斋 Chrysanthemum Pavilion : sample of one of many Chinese blogs on qin players, flowers, Han style clothing, fashion, tea, go game, traditional Chinese culture

Second Lives in Chinese. 译者: 陳芝儀, 作者: Tim Guest, 副标题: Second Lives (click for an English book review), ISBN: 9789571349640 定价: NT380, 出版社: 時報出版

Ircam has an interesting symposium in June, & Lars Von Trier film maker.

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