Wednesday 3 December 2008

Festival Transmusicale 2008, mixed reality event

Ange, Swann and Hugobiwan in giant rl video screen

Saitot came to see the concert in her black feather dress by PDD (her sister!)

Clap Clip watching

sl audience and technician team of city of Rennes

Waiting for the team to get ready on the rl end

Installation just before opening of talk and meeting with rl visitors in Rennes at Transmusicale 2008

Swannjie's creator - Shuen-git Natasha Chow

New style of Guqin, the Half HunDun; 2006

A sample of Guqin in the popular style of ZhongNi (Confucius style)

Murmurs of the Earth, gold record on the Space ship the Voyager, with Guqin music

Guang Ping Hu master player of "Flowing Water" at his home

Swannjie at the Digital Guqin Museum Club House site

Mobile Digital Guqin Museum visiting Gion on the last day

Digital Guqin Museum :: mini-concert and talk by Swann Jie, Opening event of Mixed Reality at Metalab Rennes, Festival Transmusicale 2008
3rd Dec 2008, 13h30 – 14h30

Speaker, Live demo : Swann Jie
Sl avatars
Rl people in Rennes, France

Swannjiejie will be in the audience, taking pictures

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