Wednesday 26 November 2008

J'irai dormir à Hollywood, Mahjong cabin, love letter from MianMian

love letter from MianMian - purchased at RMB city

Swannjie setting up a wilderness cabin at DGM annex where she puts a Mahjong + games table for friends

A pearl screen wall - visitors can compose their own arangements by changing the colors.

I found out how the Mahjong game works.
Its very interesting that, when your avatar is playing; its more fun. The avatar is playing on her favorite table in a nice cabin weekend home with trees and water etc, friends could drop by!! whereas if you play this Mahjong on your internal finite computer screen, you - and not your avatar - is living this moment like a retired, no life poor pou pou...

An avatar is only a part of the you in rl, but its no big deal if she fell in the lake, whatever problems - in the end, its very simple, unplug!

Film viewed:

J'irai dormir à Hollywood 3*

(I am going to sleep at somebodys home in Hollywood)
documentary, funded by Canal+ and other organisation.

The director/author does autofilming, he carries two digital camera, one perched on his shoulder, one with an arm tied to perch the lens filming on reverse with his own head always in the lower left corner of the frame. For a feature film, this is marvellous. Not a moment of boredom - there were only a few people in the cinema. A documentary diffused in a regular cinema is still quite impressive!
I actually got to see some peoples home that normally would be impossible to see.
1/ I would like to travel around the world and sleep at other peoples homes too - without pre arrangements. This is not like "couch surfing" or some stable well planned events. Its a catch as catch can movie. As there are dangers people wanting to rob you of video equipment etc. He did it by himself. It is a risk taking project... I wonder during the making of this documentary, did he come across much more trying situations? For all the time he spends on the road, the events we saw were not that much...

2/ I like his car - a hearst - repainted w roller, fixed with duct tapes, hinge greased with olive oil from his salad food stock, in dusty rose pink, i like his car! It looks much better than the original silver paint, a cadillac no less.

3/ He successfully slept with somebody in Hollywood, somebody who lost his job and must last 6years living on the beach. But he looks so healthy, rosy cheeked and happy. This man is one of the star of his film, he slept in Hollywood with this star of his movie.

4/ saw the Indian reserve. How could they live in a no public transit, no electricity place? no books... but the grandma, the grandma is very beautiful. If the girl goes out into the city, without pre-briefing and support, she will quickly get eaten up by the wolves. Its sad, only because I feel so much could be done and no path. No path going outwards.

I would like to travel and do a film project of this type. Maybe in a mobile Tinyhouse vehicle, how about Guqin music? Concerts... miniature music, dj.

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