Sunday 30 November 2008

Graffiti wall, Inuyashas Shinto wedding master, horses

Mobile TinyHouse under a blossom tree in Gion

Inuyasha flashes his weapon in defense of the gal from possible danger... a la Rashomon? You have to train hard to do these moves.

I took everything down and reinstalled one object at a time. Wangxiang noticed that once I take out the coffee filter - which is a miniature receptor/display for the twiddla graffitiwall whiteboard, I crashed. So I killed this little guy. Then i rezzed the big wall, immediately I also crashed. So no more graffitiwall for now until I figure out whats wrong.
How come it worked for so long and since when did it start to not work?

More screenshots for picture book. I visited Butler where Inuyasha made his castle, free for all to visit, including three horses! All guests welcome to ride around. He is studying to be Shinto master, so he could perform weddings for couples.
He told me the last person who begged him to help her do this Shinto wedding, so he read all about it... when it came time to do the ceremony the bride wanted a mix of Catholic and Shinto etc. Needless to say, he felt his purity of tradition was almost all in vain - seeing that his client is so ... disappointingly capricious about the authentic rules.

Such is life! we all know that sl is the same as rl!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, nice site you have here! Keep up the excellent work!

    Virtual Graffiti Wall
