Monday 17 November 2008

Digital Fashion :: Graffitti Wall, touch screens, Wii, tidied-up-art Ursus Wehrli, happiness


Wonderful touch screen! by Jeff Han. The end to overworked repetitive mouse-clicking related problems...

I first read about using Wii remote to create an inexpensive white board as presented at TED conference by Johnny Lee, and this morning, another use, to control the movement of avatars in sl... this sounds so amazing to me. Go read about it in detail from the expert - Hugobiwan Zolnir !

Tidy up art... i like a lot of the tidied up versions by Ursus Wehrli...

Our Graffitti Wall fashion line expresses a fundamental free spirit and "open source" attitude - each model comes from the collaborations of combined graphic works of two or more people.

Leisure wear: GraffittiGoGo

1/ GraffittiGoGo LiPo 6moon - expresses how LiPo invites the moon and his own shadow to drink together as a threesome pal
2/ GraffittiGoGo Tokyo/Paris - cat faces from Tokyo and scribbles from Paris. Collaboration between Saitot and Swann Jie
3/ GraffittiGoGo Black Lace - cubic lace motifs inspired by Prof Sturtevants instant graphic strokes combined with sinuous wanderings - this is evening beach wear when that little black dress is too formal.
4/ GraffittiGoGo Friends - colorful word "Friend" (You) in chinese written by a Belgian friend modified freely by others... this little outfit is just the thing for cocktail party with friends.

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