Friday 28 November 2008

Bots, Soror Nishi, Oscar Niemeyer in sl, Hid Voom

Today is a play day. Dont feel like looking at anything in particular. Visited Hid Vooms blog, about Oscar Niemeyer architecture in sl... I like OM architecture. Then there is a too-late-to-visit garden sim... but i read the blog of the creator - Soror Nishi. She talked about one prim bots...

I must learn more about bots. As I have first came across them at Penglai island.

Looking at others sl world reminds me of the world changing fast. Like the fable of where you live a day in the cloud, its already 5000 years below. Hahhahah, I visited Calla hair - where i enjoyed listening to girl talks when i was a newbie, but the place has also changed. Now its very summer cottage country for the retired crowds. Conservative comfy look. I like the leaves on the ground. But no more avatars there chatting. Maybe because there is no more trivia games. No more lindens. It used to be if you answered correctly you get 10$lindens. or 5$L or 2$L, cant remember. Without the avatars, this place no matter how pretty - is once again a dustless decor. Maybe they could use a few bots here - just to keep up a chatter. If the conversation source is interesting. Why not make the automatic texts interesting to read?

Virtual World and art at Rezzable, good blog?

Tomorrow. Today, I am closing boutique.

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