Saturday 5 January 2008

clutter, clean, chic

Such a well organised blog
I have seen slmame before, but for some reason this one is well organised, and simple to see. Maybe graphically pleasant?

Sometimes we dont know how much time it takes to make a blog thats clean, and uncluttered. :)

Clutter, is sooooo haaarrrd to clear.

Can clutter be a style of chic...? Only if yours own, other people clutter is tiresome... too personal, too expressive... but when i see Francis Bacons painting studio - I find this clutter this years of uncleared paint on the table is a freedom. How many people could enjoy this scale of insouciance? Or letting go.

Thats why we all need an atelier space. A personal private space that no one could interfere - even just visually.

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