Friday 9 November 2007

sl next step

sl just like in rl, just becasue you are invisible behind an avatar, you have to be very very careful. Just as polite in everyway.

Suddenly this sl is so poor. In rl, you can be all polite but there is the physical information, you can read and feel and understand intuitively. But in sl, if all this politeness, already behind screens - suddenly its like too much. Politeness is necessary, but i suddenly feel that we are in the dark. We dont see anything.

To continue in sl, i will have to pass on the other side now, not the consumer but the one who makes it run - in whatever capacity i could.

I suddenly dont feel like continuing all this polite talk... puppetry and more puppetry.

Its me, especially me. Most adults could do puppetry out of practice, they dont even feel the make up, its so natural, a second skin.

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