Monday 17 September 2007

Ars electronica 2007, Second round at the festival, lst annual architecture and design sl

While in Linz, I didnt have time to sit through the whole day judging process, so now, on the web, we have further info. The winner will be voted online - hmmm - is this really such a good idea? Anyway, it seems to be the way things go now a days, from book covers to best ofs... In the end, the result is not necessarily the best, but the least troublesome in the end.

The best architecture I have seen have always been the result of a specific vision and not through voting. There are exceptions of course

So what else is in my heavy bag?

So hardcopies of LindenDollars,, maybe you will see a picture of these very American looking dollars... very cute dollars... :)

The University of Western Australia offers a degree in Biological Arts, here you could learn to use rat tails to transfer into editable hamburgers etc etc. Well, maybe not exactly this... just to give you an idea of what this means. The conference was very interesting.

Also a sensational buzz work, a high tech, chrome, stainless steel, industrial grade appearance, heavy duty, you feed real food into it, and the machine makes shit... a rather cynical works, though not without humour, but at what expense? In art, should we talk about expense? I think so. For a certain amount of money, you should get some value, for the amount of money that you put in, the "art" of it is rather thin. However, it is a great publicity stint. As everybody has some experience with shit... It does get everybody's attention and could be elaborated with many twists and turns, fulling developed - very thesis like. I think only in a developed country would you find such an artist, people choose this type of wasteful ironic subjects as a cool theme for work. I did not go near the shit machine... As the artist himself said, anybody who didnt have to go to school could make perfectly good shit... why go to the hassle of creating such a machine with so much hurdles, problem solving issues? hahahahaha. Everybody laughs.

An Artist from India won a big prize, his work is very interesting, a clear simple idea, corresponding to the local Mumbai culture. He would have had more things to say if there were more time. His work had a multi-dimensionality to it, very rich, and through his discourse, I imagine many subjects could be developed further had he had time.

One other guy who made seemingly art-brut type of reaction-manual-cranking wood machines is infact very well versed in computers. It is made with such attention to reactions (not in the glossy finishing of the wood component itself, but in the attention to how algorithmecally one action triggers further actions, leaving traces) One of his pieces is a coffin that the artist by use of a rudimentary hand crank cranks himself into the coffin. He added a loud speaker, one people could peer into the coffin, is anybody there? and he would answer from the coffin. Hahahaha. Great charm, light and well thought out. He made a little box, in the same simple wood chip - woodsmen style - it says, just in case, when you open it, a neat little tag which says: out of order. He said, you never know when you might need it. This final touch reveals a mind that considers every aspect of an idea.
It is light as air, people just like to sit and interact with his machine.

All this, and much more at Ars Electronica 2007. This is the second time i visited AE, and since I paid a lot more attention this time. It is a very good show.

The next big conference, if i get up the energy to investigate..., a European Second Life Conference and Expo.

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