Tuesday 1 April 2014

jewelry from pottery : Nozomi Project; Upcycled Jewelry by Yuma Fujimaki

Shards of Hope: Jewelry made from pottery broken by Japan's tsunami (Video)

The Nozomi Project
© The Nozomi Project
Many lives were shattered when the tsunami hit Japan's eastern coast in 2011, leaving not only immediate tragedy but lasting environmental impacts around Fukushima's destroyed nuclear reactor. One of the most devastated areas was Ishinomaki, a city of 130,000 about three hours north of Fukushima. While many are slowly rebuilding, there is still much to be done to heal the psychological trauma stemming from this unprecedented disaster.
Striving to find life after the wreckage is the Nozomi Project, a social enterprise that trains affected women and grandmothers in the making of beautiful jewelry from the pottery shards found in the tsunami's aftermath.
© The Nozomi Project
© The Nozomi Project
Originating from a Christian missionary network, this hopeful project ("nozomi" means hope in Japanese) is giving participants valuable skills, sustainable income, while also providing them a safe place to connect and share their ongoing struggles, three years after the devastation. Check out this video from Asian Access:
© The Nozomi Project
© The Nozomi Project
Each of the women working with The Nozomi Project has created a collection of her own to honour a loved one, featuring shards of the stunning pottery that Japan is so famous for. Meticulously crafted in a setting of collective healing and hope, The Nozomi Project is a wonderful example of long-term aid that takes into account of wounds that may take longer to heal than re-building mere buildings. More over at The Nozomi Project.
[Hat tip to reader Alex who alerted us to this wonderful project.]

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