Saturday 6 October 2012

The Long Hair girl ***half

The Long Hair girl ***half

Korean film
genre: Romantic psychological horror film 

The film is very strong based on many cultural correct details.  Korean society is so macho, and the women always smiling.  The hair dressers - always courteous, and bar girls drunks, they roll in the dirt with sailors.  The sailor is not an ordinary rough guy.  He is rough, but looks nice, handsome, but he is like a sailor all the same.  Loneliness, tough work, no home, drifting.  The hairdresser guy, very gentle, maniac feminine - apparently his mother was a bit gaga and coiffed him as a girl.  The long hair girl is an orphan, doing a courier job, amongst rough men, all the bad things that happens to lowly joe job little folks.  And then, what about the dreams?  The sailor at least pretends to grow some sunflowers for her, but the hairdresser no.  He takes care of the details like a house keeper.  Orderly and kind.  The film is shot with many angles of explicit horror, sex and blood.  Its a well made film.  Not a moment of dead air.  

But its so sad to see this society, so macho and the women who doesn't accept the role variation - even exterior presentation.  Everyone refuse to cut her hair for her.  I question the act of cutting hair itself, isn't cutting it short fine enough, can't really see the jump from long hair to shaving the head completely.  This is a film story device evidently but not convincing.  She could cut her own hair too!  Lots of people do, long hair is very easy to cut.  So this dramatic device doesn't work.  There are lots of work she could do if she were so sensitive to the macho world.  Either she's more tough, or she should be more feminine.   Right now, its a non case.  Her character is not convincing to me.  However, the acting is very good, good directing too.  Just the story line a bit wobbly at this point.

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