Sunday 18 December 2011

Talk at Chihlee Technology Institute, Taipei, Taiwan. Dec16th2011

Some questions which came up again and again vis-a-vis Virtual Worlds - especially the one in Secondlife - Are Virtual World things real?

To reply to these puzzling existantial queries, I have written back in 2009 my experiences for Secondlife-world time.

The main points are here:

Time is a limited ressource and the person who spent time specifically for you, to be with you - in person in real life, and online via their avatar - has given you the gift of their time and is a real friend.

The Virtual World becomes "real" when the people inside invest their true selves in it. What is life if you are stripped of memories? We have only memories - to provide good memories, you must have high quality experiences.

This translates into high quality objects, scenarios and time - just like in the material world - immaterial world and material worlds are both components of real life.

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