Sunday 7 June 2009

Y, clutter

Y likes housework she said. I see how she cleans so fast, huge apt and she does it in one hour. How come my apt is so much more dustier, it seems never to be cleaned, i just cleaned and in no time its dusty and dirty again? She said she vacuums everyday and wipes with a cloth over all the surfaces, as the domestique is gone, and the new one has not arrived, she does it herself and she enjoys it. She likes housework, its her exercise. I suddenly understand, she does it everyday! Thats why no dust, all spic and span.

Then I see the Oprah video on clutter, this woman who has boxes and crates and racks of clothing - new, unopened - her three story houses looks like a storage warehouse. When her son and the video team comes to her house, she was forced to look at her house through their eyes, oooo, tears came to her eyes. Its so frightening.

My friend H tells me the story of her aunt, who rents another apt to store her clothing! also in racks and crates of unopened state...

The hardest thing is to see whats the problem - we can always see the "problem" of the other, and much harder to see our own.

Do we really need a bigger house, or get rid of useless things? What is useless? How come some people have so much things?

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