Sunday 1 March 2009

Arts Birthday, cute lamb, favorite hair Carla, Barbie Swannbb, no69

One of my favorite things in rl :: top 100 ::
number 69 :: Barbie Dolls w long fluffy hair
:: like cute robots, they dont need soft skin and they are fine as is. Barbie is for everyone we can play story games and its all fluff, like a fine fashion magazine. Its entertainment.

Barbie Swannbb

Cute lamb.

This hair style is called "Carla" by Little Heaven - a fluffy hair. Got myself a head of hair like this. Comes in black, honey, sepia and peach too. My favorite is this Valentine day two tones special, it a CH special, camp chair special.

Received the Astrakan fur coat, with large brown curls - glossy and soft. When you run your hand through the curls, reminds me of somebodies hair. Only softer and springier to the touch. YSL is right, a good piece of clothing is next best to the real thing, next to your skin.

Someone visited me from Arts Birthday - its a very handsome site, I really like the tiny vignettes that show everyones presence. Wonderful idea! Peter is the one who did the work, so nice.

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