Monday 23 February 2009

YSL Grand Palais, red lacquer fauteuils

Show at Grand Palais, its a long line up, but I got in after 1.5hr, and since it was closing, it was not as packed as all that. I even had time to visit two rounds.

My favorite objects in the whole auction are two red lacquer chairs from the 30s, its very simple, leather back, leather seat, and clean slim lines. Price? 300,000euros, well... is it worth that much? Two armchairs? I like to have these chairs in my house.

Then there are many other things that are beautiful, but nothing really that exceptional. Maybe the exceptional pieces are already gone. I think it would have been very nice if his real surroundings were kept and displayed instead of dispersed like this. Anyway, maybe these are not really things he lived with, just parts of "sellable" stuff.

Saw a short video of life of YSL, from a clean prize winning dress designer til old age, very old, voice trembling, flabby, stocky torso. YSL very elegant, there was music from India Song, nostalgic melancholic, beauty for special beautiful people.

I cannot help but compare him to Karl Lagerfeld, I also saw a movie of Lagerfeld. Very different personalities. I also like Lagerfelds apt, full of objects and sumptuous settings.

YSL said in the video that, the best that a woman can wear is a man who loves her with his arms, arms around her. If she is lacking that, well, I am here. He said.

Now thats nice. Isnt it? He didnt save women - as Berge declared, YSL is much more humbler, he says merely that, while the one you really want is not there, well, how about me? I am here, I can help.


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