Friday 19 September 2008

Loustal, Amélie Nothomb, Miss Pas Touche, Silence of Lorna, Wall-e, Filth and Virtue, Chasseur de Dragon

Amélie Nothomb, writer of Japanese gal working in an office made into a movie. Guest editor of a freebie newspaper for one day. She says she would like to have one of her fiction made into BD - lianhuanhua - sequential picture book.
Here is the artist she would like to work with.

Other BD I discovered at MK2 Bibliotheque BD bookstore:
Miss Pas Touche, that Amelie also mentioned. Amusement, 30s in Paris, entertainment.


Films viewed:

Le silence de Lorna, 3.5*

profound, good tension in the movie, characters well developed. We feel that Lorna who seemed so free and positive from the beginning is actually in a prison. The ending is not surprising, a slow fade out of someone going to sleep and what happens next? She gets killed, found by the mafiso... we dont know... but how about showing more? why always this slow fade out of indetermined outcome? We know how slow fadeouts work, how about another manner/kind of ending?

Filth and virtue by Madonna 2.5*

Story telling a la Madonna, quickie all vignettes. She doesnt take time to work over the surface and textures of things. When the dancer Holly is such a good material - why not some real full sequence of her dancing? For example when she was dressed as a school girl? And the Juliette character - there is much more stories to be told between the Juliette and her sister - stories implied but not entered into. The material is rich and has a lot of potential of being fleshed out. Saw an interview of Madonna in Youtube about this making this movie. She is very open about how she makes this movie. Its not bad, but like a news item, she tells her tale, quickly good paced, sketchy skipping - all the yummy parts of the tale. A waste for Holly. She is so porcelain pretty - thanks to the make up sponsor -

Wall e 3.5* by Pixar studio

the story is imaginative. Graphics slick and beautiful. Sentiments are old. The world presented doesnt change much from any old animation film for feeling healthy and good. I like the part where Wall e collects all kinds of trash to be recycled as a personal laboratory. Just like in any sci-fi fiction always with this one wizard who could repair everything using fish eyes or slimy bottles of guck...

Chasseur de Dragon 2.5* story, 4* for graphics beauty, artist : Qwak

Story is banal and not original, but the graphics are so beautiful! French aesthetic.


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