Tuesday 16 June 2015

Monday 15 June 2015

Sunday Robot "Playtime"; Lorenzweiler, Luxembourg 2015


Sunday Robot: Playtime, Lorenzweiler, Luxembourg 2015

Sunday Robot: Playtime:: Robots are mainly created for work, to lighten humans physical labour, intellectual labour; this one - the Sunday Robot is created for play. It lightens our mind, provides equilibrium to daily lives. Its born to play.

First wood sculpture symposium, first time using a chainsaw - very nice feeling of cutting, massive reduction technique.  Some wood cutting tools. 

Tools used: Carving bar chainsaw, regular chainsaw, forged iron wood cut tools. 


work in progress : photos by Alice Steyer-Fonck

What about safety wear for chainsaw work?
Here, with protective glasses, hat, steel toe workboots, leather apron, leather pants,
sound protection

big picture

without glasses
big picture

 big picture

big picture


Malou takes us for a beer next to a nice river in the city center.

 This is the view of a retirement home - private labyrinth garden!

Sunday 14 June 2015

好奇藝術 Kunstkammer 47 : Visit of a Thungen Fort Museum of Luxembourg in sl/rl, MUDAM by IM Pei

好奇藝術 Kunstkammer 47 : Visit of a Fort Museum in sl/rl 

 I visited the real life Thungen Fort Museum in Luxembourg, and discovered that they have visits in sl as well.

IM pei Mudam in the back, in the front is the Fort Thungen.  
On the bulletin board, is this poster!

MUDAM museum by IM pei 

On the description its says, Sino-American architect IM Pei.
Then I think, thats the proper way to present myself, Sino-Canadian. 

The museum was in installation phase, but they let us in, everything is beautiful, all the details, the display, the architecture - a lot of elements that we find in the Louvre is here too.  The finely crafted circular staircase, the glass ceilings, the beautiful light in the hall.  Everything museum quality - highly refined to perfection.

Sino American Architect IM Pei

Metal chairs, w plexi glass coffee tables.

wood cut portraits of